Get to know the various departments of Erste Asset Management. Have a look and find the position that most suits you in our team.
Investment Division
The Investment Division develops, manages, and controls investment solutions (funds and portfolios) for the asset classes “Fixed Income“, “Equities“, “Multi Asset Management“, and “Responsible Investments“.
As part of the Investment Division, the Fixed Income department manages all fund solutions and investments for government bonds and corporate bonds, developed markets, and emerging markets. In addition, we offer money market products and, in cooperation with the Responsible Investments department, sustainably managed products.
As part of the Investment Division, the Equities department manages all solutions and investments in equities. In addition to a broad range of equity funds for developed and emerging markets, the team focuses on Central and Eastern Europe and special sectors such as biotechnology.
As part of the Investment Division, the Multi Asset Management department manages fund and portfolio solutions that include more than one asset class. Among these products are those with absolute value increase (total return) such as YOU INVEST, products with hedging strategies (protected return), and products that are oriented towards a benchmark index. The strategies are largely implemented via umbrella funds.
As part of the Investment Division, the Responsible Investments department manages all sustainable products, i.e. funds where the ESG factors (environmental, social, and governance) play an important role in the investment process.
The Global Strategies & Research department primarily supports Multi-Asset-Management, Fixed Income, and Equities. The wide range of tasks includes product development, qualitative and quantitative research, and the production of research reports and media work.
The Investment Solutions & Controlling department coordinates all agendas of the Investment Division and operates in the fields of personnel planning and of product and process development.
Risk Management
Risk Management is responsible for the measuring and controlling of all risks in investment funds and portfolios associated with the specific products. Typically, this involves the determination and evaluation of market risks (value at risk, stress tests etc.), liquidity risks, and credit risks. The results of this evaluation are constantly reconciled with external (statutory) and internal regulations. In those cases, where the risk values are not in line with the respective risk profile of a fund or portfolio, immediate steps are demanded from the fund management team in charge.
The Risk Steering department is basically responsible for implementing the content and the technical framework of risk management. The ongoing, i.e. daily, controlling and the communication with the fund management team is handled by Risk Account Management. In addition, Risk Account Management executes performance analyses, with the compilation of performance attribution reports playing a crucial role.
Risk Management is also consulted whenever a new product is launched in order to assess potential risks and thus contribute to the design of the product.
One of the main tasks of Risk Management is to provide clients, the Supervisory Board, the Management Board, and the fund management team with research reports in order to avert potential harm pre-emptively.
Back Office
The Back Office consists of three departments:
- „Tax and Fund Reporting“
- „Investment Operations“
- „Fund Operations“
It was newly set up in May 2014.
Our “Back Office CEE“ is the staff position of the Back Office and coordinates back office activities between the subsidiaries and Erste Asset Management.
The depositary bank has traditionally been in charge of the valuation of investment assets in Austria. As a result of statutory changes (Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive 2011), these tasks were transferred to the investment company. To this end, we set up the team “Fund Operations” within the Back Office. Here, our colleagues decide on the valuation rationale (sources, models, priorities) on the basis of how the depositary bank would calculate the fund price (net asset value, NAV). The second core task of the department is the production of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) reports for our investment funds.
The Taxes & Fund Reporting department is in charge of fund reports for the various investment funds and the taxation of investors.
The Investment Operations department is responsible for the management of assets that are handled by external portfolio managers.
Sales & Sales Support
Our Sales departments consist of Institutional Sales (International and Austria) and Retail Sales Austria. Whereas Institutional Sales deals with investment solutions for domestic and international clients such as pension funds, insurance companies, and groups of companies, Retail Sales Austria provides comprehensive advisory services to all Austrian retail sales partners.
The Institutional Sales Austria department is responsible for the maintenance and expansion of institutional client relations of Erste Asset Management in Austria.
This client segment includes large institutional investors such as insurance companies and pension funds as well as investors from the public sector, private foundations, companies, and others. Among the main activities of the employees are the acquisition of new clients and the continuous advisory for existing clients in the investment area (mutual funds, institutional investment funds, special funds). As central port of call, Institutional Sales Austria represents an important interface between clients and all operating areas of the company.
International Institutional Business & CEE advises international institutional clients such as banks, pension funds, and insurance companies, umbrella fund managers, high net worth individuals, and other advisors in the creation of investment strategies and investment solutions and coordinates their implementation within Erste Asset Management.
In addition, the area coordinates and steers the local institutional business of the East European subsidiaries.
Retail Sales Austria is responsible for the comprehensive advisory of all Austrian sales partners of Erste Asset Management and ERSTE-IMMOBILIEN KAG.
The most important sales partners in the retail segment are Erste Bank Österreich, the savings bank sector, and other Austrian credit institutions. We take suitable steps to ensure the viability as product and the successful sale of the funds of the asset management companies, e.g. training, product presentations, and client events all across Austria. We are also available to the advisers of our sales partners when it comes to questions or issues with regard to our funds, and we manage complaints.
Retail Sales & Sales Support is responsible for the steering of Retail Sales of the Erste AM funds. It is also in charge of Erste AM Fund Sales Support. It serves as platform to support the local sales activities in CEE.
The Product Solutions & Institutional Services department is geared towards the needs of our clients.
The crucial components of this department are:
- Product Steering: “How to manage, develop, and position Erste AM products and services”
- Operations: “Keeping our funds going”
- Sales Support: “Direct and indirect support of sales activities and channels”
- RfP Management: “What can we do for our clients, and why”
- Reporting: “Closer, more qualified analysis of our funds”
Regulatory Functions
Our control functions Compliance, Internal Audit, and Legal ensure the correct processes and procedures across all operational departments both internally and externally.
The organisational unit “Compliance and Operational Risk Management” is mainly responsible for the following activities:
Securities compliance:
- Avoidance of market abuse
- Surveillance of employee transactions
- Dealing with conflicts of interest
- Avoidance of money laundering
- Fight against the funding of terrorism
- Compliance with sanctions and embargos
In the field of operational risks, the department executes risk assessments, analyses and documents damages, and documents all business processes as well as appraises them with regard to their risk content.
The organisational unit is also the central contact for all issues concerning operational risk across the subsidiaries and offices of Erste AM.
Internal Audit is responsible for the ongoing and comprehensive auditing of the legality, compliance, and expediency of Erste Asset Management GmbH and its subsidiaries and offices. The audits are executed independently and objectively with the goal of assessing business, management, and monitoring processes and proposing improvements.
Legal Services is in charge of the drawing-up and checking of contracts and fund documents, the legal assistance in the process of having funds accredited or changed by the Financial Market Supervision Authority, and the handling of legal issues at Erste AM Austria. In addition, the department supports the foreign subsidiaries in legal questions upon request.
Company-wide Tasks
Our corporate departments such as Human Resources, Communications, Network and Project Services, Finance and IT are responsible for important processes that contribute to smooth operations and subsequently to the success of the company.
The Communications & Digital Marketing department is responsible for the external and internal communication of Erste Asset Management. External communication includes PR and media relations, the web and social media presence, adviser information, and special publications. The internal focus is the management of the in-house intranet and the support of Management in organisational development and employee events.
Human Resources handles the HR management of Erste Asset Management Group. This includes recruiting, administration, personnel development, personnel planning, and performance management. We support our employees and managers and help them reach their full potential.
Network & Project Services is a support unit Erste Asset Management. It coordinates the activities within the Erste AM Group, both between the country offices and between the individual departments. If necessary, it also manages projects and therefore fulfils a management role in the group.
The employees report directly to Management.
The Accounting department is in charge of the accounts payable and receivable accounting as well as for the production of the monthly, quarterly, and annual reports according to Commercial Code and IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards). In addition, the department handles the statutory reporting to the Austrian central bank (Oesterreichische Nationalbank, OeNB) and provides data to the Controlling department for internal and external reporting use. In connection with the asset management business, the department calculates and checks different kinds of fees (income and expenses) and compiles the reports to the respective business partners in Austria and abroad with regard to management fees and sales commissions.
Erste AM Controlling is responsible for determining, implementing, and developing all controlling activities and methods within Erste Asset Management GmbH. Controlling advises and supports Management in its decision-making process by reporting regularly and with ad-hoc reports.
Org/IT is the interface between the operating departments of Erste Asset Management GmbH and the IT corporate and IT development departments of Erste Group IT International GmbH and external providers. Therefore, Org/IT is responsible for the entire IT budget and the IT project portfolio. In performing their tasks, our employees follow the BABOK guidelines of the International Institute of Business Analysis ( and current project management standards such as PMI (
Clients of Org/IT include the operating departments of Erste AM as well as various departments of Erste Group Bank AG (Fund Accounting, Asset Management, Private Banking) and well-known external clients.
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All information displayed on our official website is based on sources that Erste Asset Management (Company) (1138 Budapest, Népfürdő u. 24-26., No. of permission: E-100.017-18/2003; H-EN-III-1138/2012; H-EN-III-125/2014) considers credible, but the Company does not take responsibility for them. This document serves as additional information for our investors. It cannot be considered as investment advice, investment offer, analysis or portfolio report.
The capital market, the macroeconomic situation, the investments and return are driven by factors that the Company cannot control. The Company does not take responsibility for consequences of the investor’s decision.
The information displayed are not comprehensive. This document serves as additional information for our investors and is based on the knowledge of the staff responsible for preparing it at the time of preparation. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of the future performance of a fund.
Our analyses and conclusions are general in nature and do not take into account the individual needs of our investors in terms of earnings, taxation, and risk appetite.
Please note that investments in securities entail risks in addition to the opportunities presented here.
Before making an investment decision, please read the actual Fund Prospectus - which contains detailed information on investment policy, potencial risks, distribution costs and other related costs - that is available on the website of the Erste Asset Management Ltd. ( and at place of distributions.
This document is an advertisement. All data is sourced from ERSTE-SPARINVEST Kapitalanlagegesellschaft m.b.H. and Erste Asset Management GmbH unless indicated otherwise. Our languages of communication are German and English.
The prospectus for UCITS (including any amendments) is published in Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung in accordance with the provisions of the InvFG 2011 in the currently amended version. Information for Investors pursuant to § 21 AIFMG is prepared for the alternative investment funds (AIF) administered by ERSTE-SPARINVEST Kapitalanlagegesellschaft m.b.H. and Erste Asset Management GmbH pursuant to the provisions of the AIFMG in connection with the InvFG 2011.
The fund prospectus, Information for Investors pursuant to § 21 AIFMG, and the key investor document/KID can be viewed in their latest versions at the web site or obtained in their latest versions free of charge from the domicile of the management company and the domicile of the custodian bank. The exact date of the most recent publication of the fund prospectus, the languages in which the key investor document is available, and any additional locations where the documents can be obtained can be viewed on the web site
This document serves as additional information for our investors and is based on the knowledge of the staff responsible for preparing it at the time of preparation. Our analyses and conclusions are general in nature and do not take into account the individual needs of our investors in terms of earnings, taxation, and risk appetite. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of the future performance of a fund.
Please note that investments in securities entail risks in addition to the opportunities presented here. The value of shares and their earnings can rise and fall. Changes in exchange rates can also have a positive or negative effect on the value of an investment. For this reason, you may receive less than your originally invested amount when you redeem your shares. Persons who are interested in purchasing shares in investment funds are advised to read the current fund prospectus(es) or the Information for Investors pursuant to § 21 AIFMG, especially the risk notices it or they contain, before making an investment decision.
Please consult the corresponding information in the prospectus or Information for Investors pursuant to § 21 AIFMG for restrictions on the sale of fund shares to American citizens. Misprints and errors excepted.