Company information

Erste Asset Management Ltd.

Company headquarters and contact details:

H-1138 Budapest, Népfürdő st. 24-26. 9. floor, Hungary
Tel: +36 1 920 2193
Fax: +36 1 920 2199
Commercial register court: Fővárosi Bíróság
Commercial register number: 01-10-044157
Based in: Budapest
Licence number: III/100.017-18/2003



HFSA’s resolution on the approval of investment fund management activities


HFSA’s resolution on the approval of portfolio management, investment advisory, securities lending and asset management activities for voluntary mutual insurance funds and private pension funds


HFSA’s resolution on the authorized activities according to the Act CXCIII of 2011 Investment Fund Management Companies and Collective Investment Trusts


Hungarian National Bank’s resolution about the Compliance of the Company and the performed activities according to the Act XVI of 2014 - on Collective Investment Trusts and Their Managers, and on the Amendment of Financial Regulations

Management Board:

Pázmány Balázs, Head of Board
Dr. Mesterházy György Tibor CEO, Board member
Adrianus Josephus Antonius Janmaat, Board member

Supervisory board:

Mag. Iur. Peter Karl
dr. Kerekes Orsolya
dr. Tercsák Tamás
Cselovszki Róbert  

Auditor: PricewaterhouseCoopers (Headquarter: 1055 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky st. 78., Commercial register number: 01-09-063022)

Supervisory Authority in Hungary:

Name: Hungarian National Bank
Address: 1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.

Erste Asset Management Ltd. is member of BAMOSZ (Association of Hungarian Investment Funds and Asset Management Companies).

Erste Asset Management GmbH is 100% owner of Erste Asset Management Ltd.


Erste Asset Management GmbH (EAM)

Company headquarters and contact details:

A-1100 Vienna, Am Belvedere 1., Austria
Tel.: +43 50 100 19054
Fax: +43 50 100 9 19054

Commercial register court: Vienna Commercial Court
Commercial register number: FN 102018b
Based in:political district Vienna
VAT ID number (UID):ATU 15355700
DVR: 4012567
Bank code:76263

Management board:

Peter KARL
Mag. Thomas KRAUS

Supervisory board:

Mag. Rudolf SAGMEISTER, Chairman
Mag.(FH) Thomas Schaufler, Deputy Chairman
Mag. Harald Gasser
Mag. Gerhard Grabner
Harald Frank Gruber
Oswald Huber
Radovan Jelasity
Ing. Mag. Robert Lasshofer
Dr. Franz Pruckner
Mag. Rupert Rieder
Gabriele Semmelrock-Werzer
Mag. Reinhard Waltl
Mag. Gerald Weber
Martin Cech
Mag. Regina Haberhauer
Ing. Heinrich Hubert Reiner
Peter Riederer
Nicole Weinhengst
Mag. Manfred Zourek

State commissioners:

Mag. Christoph SEEL

Deputy state commissioners:

Mag. Walter MEGNER

Supervisory authority in Austria:

Financial Market Authority (FMA)
Securities Supervision
Otto-Wagner-Platz 5
A-1090 Vienna


Austrian Economic Chambers
Austrian Bankers’ Association




As a member of the "Association of Austrian Investment Companies" (VÖIG), EAM is subject to the “Code of Conduct of the Austrian Investment Fund Industry 2012”.

Basic content of the website:

  • Presentation of EAM funds and the entire investment group of EAM
  • Information and links to the products and financial instruments (such as investment funds), services and other applications provided by EAM and ERSTE Group
  • Information on investment funds, securities, the capital markets and investments

Technical implementation of the Website:

In partnership with sIT Solutions

As of: